Our Mission

To lead the industry, reconstituting the TNGA under a revised constitution, inclusive of all industry stakeholders. Enhance capacity to engage and support members to innovate, enhance quality, productivity, and overall competitiveness of the Malawian macadamia industry.

Industry consultations 2020-2022 have provided the basis to define the role of the organisation and prioritise the services it offers. This process has provided momentum to start revising the constitution and put in place a new fee structure to provide resources. These developments will enable the organisation to implement activities to achieve its overall goal through:


Provide the leadership and innovative environment required to enhance competitiveness, growth and sustainability of the Malawian macadamia industry.


Maintain and enhance the reputation of Malawi as an origin of premium macadamia products by participating in the World Macadamia Association on marketing activities.


Be inclusive to all in the industry irrespective of scale, location of operations though increasing the committee posts to represent all interests and perspectives.

Share knowledge

Provide a platform for the industry to interact internally and externally to share knowledge, pool expertise and access technical materials. 


Develop data resources that inform agronomic and commercial decision making. Provide a production and market information system focused on identifying current issues and future challenges.


Contribute to the economic development of Malawi by generating export revenue, value-adding to primary produce, generating sustainable skilled employment opportunities. Providing an access point for smallholders to access the premium market.


Collaborate with public institutions for certificates of authenticity to all macadamia products. Lobby on behalf of the industry to strengthen legislative support and address threats.

Industry Road Map
Industry Strategic Plan Presentation
Malawi Macadamia Association is registered in Malawi as MMA Ltd. TBMRS114509 at PO Box 454, Blantyre.
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